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Cervical Pott: Case Report
1Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery and Radiology Departments
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1998; 11(1): 62-64
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Cervical spinal involvement by tuberculosis is rare. We described a patient with cervical spinal involvement by tuberculosis, who had cervical 7 and throcal 1 corpus vertebrae involvement with extensive adjacent prevertebral soft-tissue. The patient was operated on anterior approach consisting of abcess drainage, cervical 7 and throcal 1 vertebrectomy. Autologous iliac crest bone grafting was then performed. The patients was neurologically improved in the course of postoperative period. In addition; we discussed the modern management and the methods of dijferential diagnosis of Pott's disease

Servikal Pott: Olgu Sunumu
1Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirürji ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dalları
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1998; 1(11): 62-64

Tüberküloz olgularında servikal spinal tutulum nadirdir. Yazımızda servikal 7 ve torakal 1 vertebra korpusları ve prevertebral yumuşak dokuyu tutan tüberküloz olgusu bildirilmi ştir. Hasta anterior girişimle opere edilerek, abse drenajı , servikal 7 ve torakal 1 korpektomi ve krista iliakadan al ınan otolog kemik grefti ile anterior fiizyon uygulanmıştır. Hasta postoperatif 17. ayda sorunsuzdur. Servikal Pott'da cerrahi girişim tekniği ile birlikte, tanı yöntemleri ve tedavi prensipleri gözden geçirilerek tart ışılmıştır.